quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014

Dicas de perguntas...

Decidi criar um post só sobre perguntas. Daí você lê isso que eu acabei de escrever e se pergunta: "que tipo de pergunta essa doida tá falando?". Todos eles.
Perguntas da entrevista com a agência, perguntas que a host family pode te fazer, perguntas que você pode fazer para a host family, tudo
Eu dei uma estudadinha para a entrevista com a agência e me ajudou um pouco, então acredito que ter mais ou menos uma base do que perguntar para as host families pode ajudar.
Então, vamos lá!
  1. Why do you want to be an Au pair in the United States? 
  2. In the days of snow, knowing that you cannot go out with the children,  what the activities would will you create for them inside home?
  3. Choose a typical food from Brazil that you would like to do to your host family. What will be and describe step by step how to make the recipe? 
  4. What would you do if the child does not obey you?
  5. What activities do you enjoy do with children?
  6. How do you think will be your routine in the United States? Describe the routine that you believe will do. 
  7. How do you think will be your relationship with the host family?
  8. Tell me a good memory that you have of your life?
  9. Tell me about something that made you sad and why this happened?
  10. Why do you think will be a good Au pair?
  11. What are the characteristics of a good au pair?
  12. How do you picture a typical American family
  13. Where would you like to live? Why?
  14. What would you do if you were in a park with the kid and they got hurt?
Peguei algumas perguntas em um post da Ellen e outras que eu lembrei. Estudei pelo blog da Ellen e as perguntas foram realmente muito parecidas, acredito que a Au Pair Care deva ter um padrão.
Mais informações sobre a entrevista com a agência eu postei aqui!

Agora vem um assunto mais delicado. Delicado porque nós Au Pairs temos que perguntar mesmo! A família vai nos receber mas continuará na sua zona de conforto, nós vamos mudar de vida e precisamos escolher MUITO BEM onde e com quem vamos morar durante 12 meses.
A maioria das respostas para as perguntas abaixo provavelmente estarão no perfil da família, então não seja desagradável e nem passe uma imagem ruim, LEIA O PERFIL DELES! Leia tudo, pesquise sobre a cidade que eles moram, inclusive.
Dicas que eu peguei por aí e achei que são valiosas:
Dica 1: no começo do contato com a família, pergunte sobre as crianças, demonstre interesse por elas, isso é importantíssimo.
Dica 2: não pergunte de cara se você poderá usar o carro, pergunte como é o transporte público, se é fácil usá-los na região onde a família mora, etc.

As perguntas eu peguei em dois blogs: no Au Pair nos EUA e no Blablabla. Não deixe de perguntar NADA para a família, e quando achou que não tem mais o que falar, pergunte para sua mãe o que mais você poderia questionar. A minha pelo menos iria lembrar umas 5 coisas, certeza!
Enfim, lá vai...

About the children:
  1. How many children are there?
  2. What are their names?
  3. How old are they?
  4. What do they like to do?
  5. What are they favorite games and toys?
  6. Are they in the school? How far is the school?
  7. How they go to school, by bus? Am I gonna be supposed to take them to school by car?
  8. Se a criança for bebê: Is she/he walking and talking yet?
  9. Are they energetic or calm kids?
  10. What do they like to do in their free time?
  11. What do they usually eat? (for breakfast and lunch) 
  12. Am I be supposed to make dinner? 
  13. Is there any kind of food that you don’t eat? 
  14. Have the kids suffer from any kind of allergies?

About the Au Pair's duties:
  1. Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones? 
  2. What will be my responsibilities with each kid? 
  3. What will my schedule be like? 
  4. When I’ll have free time?
  5. Will I have access to internet and computer? 
  6. Can I receive and make phone calls in your house? 
  7. Will I have time to study? What time? Can I study when the children are in the school? 
  8. Are there any English Schools near your house?
  9. What time can I get home during the week and on the weekends?

About the car:
  1. Will I have permission to use the car? How often? How far? 
  2. Is a state driver’s license required?
  3. Are there only certain times when I can use the car?
  4. Can I use the car in my free time?
  5. Will I have to pay for the gas when I use the car?

About the parents:
  1. What is your names? How old are you?
  2. Do they both parents work?
  3. Where do you work and what do you do?
  4. Do you some?
  5. Do you have any religion? 
  6. Why are you interested in getting an au Pair?
  7. Have you ever had an au pair before? Is she living with you yet?
  8. Would you mind if I ask you to talk to her or send her an e-mail?
  9. What are your hobbies?
  10. Do family members or relatives live nearby? 
  11. What qualities do you find important in an au Pair? What are you expecting from me?
  12. What are the house’s rules?
  13. What are the family activities on the weekends?

About their home:
  1. Where do you live? In whih state?
  2. Is it a small town?
  3. Is it near a big city? Which one? 
  4. Is it too cold in the city? Snow there?
  5. Do you live in house or apartment?
  6. Do you have pets?
  7. Do you have a housekeeper? 
  8. What about the au pair’s bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
  9. Will I have a private room, bathroom? Will I have TV in my room?
  10. Are there other families with children nearby?
  11. Are there any other au pairs in the area? 
  12. What things are there to do with the children?

Para a atual Au Pair (caso haja):
  1. What do you think about the family? And the kids? 
  2. Are they nice with you? 
  3. Do they pay you weekly or per month? 
  4. Do you do extra work? I mean, if you work for other people, take care of their kids or clean the garden from neighborhood? 
  5. Do you do any course? If so, are the courses near from the house? 
  6. How are the kids and the family in your opinion? 
  7. Is there any cool near place to go there? 
  8. What do you most like to do in your free time? 
  9. What do you think they would like to receive as a gift?

  • Sorry, I don’t understand. Can you repeat please?
  • Can you speak slowly please?
  • Remember: the family’s name and the date they would like you to fly to the United States
  • Depois que tiver família: Would you like me to take something from Brazil for you? What kind of things? Anything special?
Espero que tenham gostado do post e que ele seja útil em algum momento.

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